Locating eBooks and browsing book topics on this page. Other listings are below.
SFCC Library's Reference books are available in print and are for in-library use only. These books provide general, historic and background information. The following are just a few examples:
Sample titles of a few books that are available on mass media issues.
Media and politics or government regulation
Media and crisis journalism.
Islam in Mass Media
Use Body image AND mass media
video games AND violence OR aggression
Social media AND politic*
Hate speech AND freedom of speech
There is no clear heading for music industry consolidation. Some keywords are music internet monopoly
Mass media AND political
Freedom of the Press (343)
Journalistic ethics (174.9)
Mass Media--Political Aspects (302.23)
Mass Media --Psychological aspects
Privacy, Right of (323.44)
Television Broadcasting of the News (791.45)
Television and Children (302.2345)
The librarians can assist you in obtaining these books or other titles. Contact the Reference Desk 509-533-3834 or ASK US 24/7 on this page.
Nielsen.com provides news, and consumer data and analytics to answer the most important questions facing the media.
Our professional librarians are available to help you with using any of the library's electronic resources. Please contact us if you require assistance.
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