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Art 112: Nonwestern: I need a film...

Extra credit films approved for Art 112 - Nonwestern Art

Where do I find them?

Films listed in this guide are shelved in the SFCC Library in the Non-Fiction stacks among the books. Most are in VHS format. Here's how to find and view them:

  1. Select a film from this guide. If you are unsure of which film to choose, print the list in the middle column and bring it to the SFCC Library.
  2. Find the film in the library and take it to the Checkout Desk for checkout
    -- remember to bring your student ID!
  3. Watch the film at home (if you have a VHS player) or watch it in the SFCC Library, Room 2-203. In the library, listen with your earbuds or checkout headphones from the Checkout Desk.
  4. Earn extra credit according to instructions from your teacher.

Need help?

Ask a Librarian at the Library Reference Desk for assistance. See the left column for other ways to contact us.

Extra Credit Films for Art 112 : Nonwestern Art

The following films are approved for extra credit for Art 112 - Nonwestern Art. Most are in VHS format. To find and view a film, see the instructions in the left column. These films are listed in alphabetical order by Title and Dewey Decimal number:

Aborigine : Triumph of the Nomads / 984.004 ABORIGI

Against the Odds : the Artists of the Harlem Renaissance / 700.8996 AGAINST

America Before Columbus / 970.01 AMERICA

Baka : People of the Forest / 967.51 BAKA

Betye and Alison Saar : Conjure Women of the Arts / 704.0396 BETYE

Breaking the Maya Code / 972.8101 BREAKING

Faithful to Continuance / 704.0397 FAITHFU

From the Heart of the World : The Elder Brothers' Warning / 986.1 FROM

Haiti : A Painted History / 759.97294 HAITI

How the West Was Lost / 970.5 HOW v.3

In the Shadow of Angkor Wat / 959.6 SHADOW

Indian Art Through Indian Eyes / 704.0397 INSTITUT

Jacob Lawrence : An Intimate Portrait / 759.13 LAWRENC

Keeping the Spirit Alive / 704.0397 KEEPING

Kiowa Cradleboard Maker / 704.0397 KIOWA

Panihari : The Water Women of India / 954.4 PANIHARI

Pyramids of Death / 972.52 PYRAMID (Reserve)

Romare Bearden / 709.2 BEARDEN

Sacred Art of Tibet, The / 704.9489 SACRED

Sandpainting : A Navajo Tradition / 299.782 SANDPAI

Secrets of Lost Empires II : China Bridge / 951.024 CHINA

Siqueiros / 759.972 SIQUEIR

Son of Heaven / 709.51 SON OF

Stories of Illumination and Growth / 759.13 STORIES

Whale Rider / WHALE (Feature)

Winds of Change / 970.00497 WINDS

With Hand and Heart / 759.979 WITH HA

A World of Art / 704.0368 GOMEZ

Woven by the Grandmothers / 746.72 WOVEN B


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