Films listed in this guide are shelved in the SFCC Library in the Non-Fiction stacks among the books. Most are in VHS format. Here's how to find and view them:
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The following films are approved for extra credit for Art 112 - Nonwestern Art. Most are in VHS format. To find and view a film, see the instructions in the left column. These films are listed in alphabetical order by Title and Dewey Decimal number:
Aborigine : Triumph of the Nomads / 984.004 ABORIGI
Against the Odds : the Artists of the Harlem Renaissance / 700.8996 AGAINST
America Before Columbus / 970.01 AMERICA
Baka : People of the Forest / 967.51 BAKA
Betye and Alison Saar : Conjure Women of the Arts / 704.0396 BETYE
Breaking the Maya Code / 972.8101 BREAKING
Faithful to Continuance / 704.0397 FAITHFU
From the Heart of the World : The Elder Brothers' Warning / 986.1 FROM
Haiti : A Painted History / 759.97294 HAITI
How the West Was Lost / 970.5 HOW v.3
In the Shadow of Angkor Wat / 959.6 SHADOW
Indian Art Through Indian Eyes / 704.0397 INSTITUT
Jacob Lawrence : An Intimate Portrait / 759.13 LAWRENC
Keeping the Spirit Alive / 704.0397 KEEPING
Kiowa Cradleboard Maker / 704.0397 KIOWA
Panihari : The Water Women of India / 954.4 PANIHARI
Pyramids of Death / 972.52 PYRAMID (Reserve)
Romare Bearden / 709.2 BEARDEN
Sacred Art of Tibet, The / 704.9489 SACRED
Sandpainting : A Navajo Tradition / 299.782 SANDPAI
Secrets of Lost Empires II : China Bridge / 951.024 CHINA
Siqueiros / 759.972 SIQUEIR
Son of Heaven / 709.51 SON OF
Stories of Illumination and Growth / 759.13 STORIES
Whale Rider / WHALE (Feature)
Winds of Change / 970.00497 WINDS
With Hand and Heart / 759.979 WITH HA
A World of Art / 704.0368 GOMEZ
Woven by the Grandmothers / 746.72 WOVEN B
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