Database Searching Help
For quick database help, checkout the links below.
MeSH are medical subject headings used by the medical profession to identify and search for topics using a controlled vocabulary. Databases in the medical field, like PubMed and CINAHL use MeSH for consistency and searchability. Link directly to the MeSH or subject search screens for the following databases.
Finding Journal Articles
Find PT-related articles and other resources online by searching the websites and databases listed below.
Searching from off campus?
A number of the databases listed here require you to login if you are off campus. If you have problems logging in, please contact the IT Help Desk at 509-533-4357 #2
A Search Strategy - To narrow your search results to higher level research articles, use the limit options provided by some databases. For example, CINAHL can limit or filter your search to locate only evidence-based practice, or randomized controlled trials articles, or by specific publication type and more.
When the article isn't full-text...
Not all articles are available in full-text on the databases you search. When this happens, use our interlibrary loan (ILL) service to request the article. It will be delivered to your email for free. Plan ahead, interlibrary loan requests can take up 2-3 days or more for delivery.
Journal Abbreviations
Use the NLM database to find journal title abbreviations or full titles. However, when you submit an interlibrary loan request, you are not required to provide full journal titles, abbreviations are fine.