Tertiary Sources are distillations and collections of primary and secondary sources. The information is compiled and digested into factual representation, so that it does not obviously reflect points of view, critiques or persuasions. Tertiary sources are typically the last to be published in the information cycle. Because it has been filtered through many reviewers, it tends to consist of highly reliable and accurate information, plus contain broad perspectives of topics.
Use tertiary sources for a general overview of your topic and for background information for your research.
General examples: Encyclopedias, directories, dictionaries, handbooks, guides, classification, chronology, and other fact books.
Repplinger, John. "Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Sources:." Willamette University, 5 Apr. 2019,
libguides.willamette.edu/primary-sources. Accessed 15 Apr. 2019.
Note: To access the resources below you need to sign-in with your Bigfoot username & password to use the databases.
Bigfoot Username:
your first name - first initial of last name - last 4 digits of your CTC@bigfoot.spokane.edu
ex. JohnD8539@bigfoot.spokane.edu
Need help? Call the CCS IT Student Helpdesk at 509-533-4357 or contact the library at 509-533-3834 /509-533-3805.
Reference sources
Reference items are usually distinguished by having an "R" or "REF" before the call number. Reference works are especially good for quick overviews of a topic such as one finds in an encyclopedia.
Items in a reference collection usually cannot be checked out, but you can make photocopies if you like.
The following reference books are in the SFCC library; you might want to look around the same call numbers in other libraries for similar kinds of books.
Non Fiction R 911.8 Larosa. Black & white maps, but good quality and current information.
Non Fiction R 980.003 N922D.
Non Fiction R 980.003 Encyclo, 5 vol. <br />Spans the centuries from the earliest civilizations to the present. The region is broadly defined: South & Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and the historical Spanish Main
Non Fiction R 980.1 St48. Old but still useful, with due caution.
Atlas case R 911.728 Hall. Large format, lovely maps, diagrams, and substantive text as well.
Non Fiction R 972.082 Coerver 2004. An A-to-Z assessment of the events, developments, issues, and personalities that shaped 20th century Mexico. Entries touch on the economy, politics, art, and culture, with overviews of the history and current situation of each Mexi
Non Fiction R 972.01 Oxford, 3 vol. The first comprehensive and comparative reference source to chronicle Pre-Hispanic, Colonial, and modern Mesoamerica.Written for a wide audience, it is an invaluable reference for interested lay persons, students, teachers, and sch
Non Fiction R 980.002 Referen. Part I, a descriptive chronology of key event from pre-Columbian times to the present; Part II, a thematic survey of topics, tracing population expansion, legal/political development, economic change, social evolution, science and techn
Our professional librarians are available to help you with using any of the library's electronic resources. Please contact us if you require assistance.
In Person SFCC, building 2. |
By Email ReferenceDesk.SFCC@sfcc.spokane.edu |
By Phone 509.533.3834 or 1.800.251.1972 |
By Chat Ask Us 24/7! |
SFCC and SCC share an online catalog. Most items at SCC can be requested for pickup at SFCC, usually in the next 3-5 days.
Here is a small selection of the books available at the SFCC and SCC libraries. These books are only a small sample; many more items on these and other relevant subjects are available at the library:
Many books are located in the 980 call number also Central America books often have a 972 call number.
Worldcat locates books throughout the world but they are not necessarily at our library. The good new is that you can request an *InterLibrary Loan and the SFCC Library will request the book from another library for you, free of charge. We can get ahold of most items but not all. Please note, it can take up to 10 days to get a physically item like a book or video mailed from another library.
Worldcat http://worldcat.org
Books may be borrowed from other libraries but you must allow time. Start your research early! Use Britannica bibliographies and book reviews to identify the most important titles for your research.
* InterLibrary Loan
Inter-library loan (ILL) is a service agreement in which participating libraries share items across the United States, such as books and articles. The SFCC Library borrows materials from other library collections for our students and the local community. In turn, the Spokane Falls Library loans items to other libraries.
Libraries lend materials and supply photocopies in accordance with national and international copyright laws.
Spokane Falls faculty, students and staff may use this service at no fee or cost.