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Contemporary Artists: Find Art Images

Image Quality

The best reproduction quality of art will be found in books and journals.

You can scan, print or photocopy art reproductions found in books and journals in the library. There is a charge for color printing. Stop by the Reference Desk for assistance.

Problems registering in ARTstor?

This guide may help.

ARTstor provides further registration help on their website.

Images Online

The following databases and websites are just a few of the sources available for art images. These resources will be especially helpful in locating art images for the topics you are exploring. Be sure to include a search on Google for other image resources on your topic.

You will be prompted to log in to the databases.  Use your network login (what you use to log in to a school computer).

Username: first name first initial of last name last 4 numbers of CTC ID
Password: whatever you created

Problems logging in to a database?


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