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LiS Library Online Certificate & AAS Degree Program

Information about the online AAS and Certificate Programs for library support staff (formerly Library Technician Program).

Certificate, Library and Information Services

Library and Information Services, Certificate Program

Brief Program Introduction

The Library and Information Services (LiS) program offers an online certificate for library support staff and paraprofessionals who wish to start their career as a library staff member or who wish to further their career development. Students are trained to work in all areas of library service. The certificate program also allows students pursuing other degrees to add on a certificate.

Career Opportunities

More positions are likely to be available in large public, college, and university libraries. However, placement opportunities also exist in smaller libraries such as school, rural, and special libraries. Population, school and college enrollment growth, and expansion of library services are all factors influencing the demand for library paraprofessionals. Library support staff are performing many of the routine tasks formerly done by the professional staff. In addition to openings created by growth, library technicians will be needed annually to replace those who retire or transfer to other fields.

Typical Student Schedule

Fall Quarter

EDUC& 204 Exceptional Child 5
LMLIB 100 Introduction to Library Organizations and Careers 3
LMLIB 115 Library Organization and Collections 5
  Total Credits 13
  • 42 credits are required for the Certificate
  • EDUC& 204 may be substituted with EDUC& 202 or students may also substitute a psychology course. Talk with your advisor regarding course substitutions.
  • Consult the official LiS Certificate page. 

Class Search and Course Descriptions

Disclaimer: The college cannot guarantee courses will be offered in the quarters indicated. During the period this guide is in circulation, there may be curriculum revisions and program changes. Students are responsible for consulting the appropriate academic unit or adviser for more current and specific information. The information in this guide is subject to change and does not constitute an agreement between the college and the student.

Winter Quarter

LMLIB 125 School Libraries and Media Centers 5
LMLIB 126 Library Technology and Services for Educational Support 3
LMLIB 220 Technical Services and Cataloging 5
  Total Credits 13
  • 42 credits are required for the Certificate
  • LMLIB 220 may be substituted with LMLIB 116

Class Search and Course Descriptions

Disclaimer: The college cannot guarantee courses will be offered in the quarters indicated. During the period this guide is in circulation, there may be curriculum revisions and program changes. Students are responsible for consulting the appropriate academic unit or adviser for more current and specific information. The information in this guide is subject to change and does not constitute an agreement between the college and the student.

Spring Quarter

LMLIB 117 Library Outreach and Services for Diverse Communities 5
LMLIB 135 Children's Literature and Library Services* 5
LMLIB 224 Research Topics and Projects in Library Service or other third quarter elective* 3
LMLIB 281 Library Paraprofessional Practicum 3
  Total Credits 16
  • 42 credits are required for the Certificate
  • *Students wanting to obtain the ALA Library Support Staff Certification should take LMLIB 222 in spring in place of either LMLIB 135 OR LMLIB 224 to meet the ALA LSSC requirements. Check with your advisor for information about course substitutions.
  • LMLIB 224 may be substituted with BT 160 Job Preparation Techniques (job searching, resumes, interviewing). LMLIB 224 allows students to focus on a topic of interest in library services or choose to investigate Special Collections and Archives. 

Class Search and Course Descriptions

Disclaimer: The college cannot guarantee courses will be offered in the quarters indicated. During the period this guide is in circulation, there may be curriculum revisions and program changes. Students are responsible for consulting the appropriate academic unit or adviser for more current and specific information. The information in this guide is subject to change and does not constitute an agreement between the college and the student.

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