Library materials, such as books and DVDs, can be requested from any Community College of Spokane Library and delivered to the Pullman Campus.
When you find an item in the Library Catalog that you want, follow the steps in the document above to have it delivered to the Center nearest you. You will be notified by email or phone when it arrives.
If you find a reference to a book or article that does not seem to be available through the online catalog or article databases, the SFCC Library can get it for you! Contact the Reference Desk at 509-533-3834 or submit an online interlibrary loan request.
Keep in mind that it may take ten days to two weeks for print materials to arrive. Articles will be primarily emailed and typically take up to 24-72 hours to arrive.
Note: To access the resources below you need to sign-in with your Bigfoot username & password to use the databases.
Bigfoot Username:
your first name - first initial of last name - last 4 digits of your
Need help? Call the CCS IT Student Helpdesk at 509-533-4357 or contact the library at 509-533-3834 / 509-533-3805.
Community college students and faculty can checkout physical materials, such as books and DVDs, from any WSU library. Currently there are four WSU libraries on the Pullman campus and four off campus. To request items from off campus WSU libraries contact Access Services staff for assistance.
Libraries of particular note include Holland/Terrell Libraries, the main campus library with large study spaces and services and the Owen Science and Engineering Library, which is the library closest to the Math Learning Annex building.
Community college students and faculty will need to apply for a "guest card" to checkout materials. To apply for the card, visit the Access Services desk and bring a valid ID. The guest card allows for 25 total items to be checkout at one time.
Why search for a book? Books provide great historical perspective, a broad overview on a subject (as opposed to the specificity of journal and news articles), and can provide you with important background info for a research assignment.
When aren't books the best choice? Bear in mind that the lengthy publication process for books means that you won't be able to use them as information resources for events taking place within the past year or so (look for articles and web info). Remember to evaluate the author and his/her bias just as you would any other source.
The most important tip to remember is "don't ignore books" just because you are running out of time. Use the table of contents and index within each book to zero in on those chapters and key words that are just right for your assignment.