In Person: SFCC Building 2, Main Floor
By Email:
By Phone: 509-533-3834
Schedule a Consultation (Zoom or In Person)
24/7 Chat with a Librarian
(not always an SFCC Librarian)
As the center of the CCS Library Services’ information literacy curriculum, library instruction classrooms are available first and foremost for library instruction. Library instruction is provided by librarians or by other faculty members in collaboration with librarians. Other instructional activities in the library classrooms may be scheduled on an occasional basis, but these activities will not take precedence over their primary use. Room reservation contacts:
Instructional Services Librarian, Sharde' Mills (533-3224)
Summer: SFCC Library Reference Desk (533-3834)
Room 206 (ITV) or if unable to reach the numbers above (533-7045)
All non-library instructional activities must be scheduled through a librarian (SFCC) or through the CCS Library Services’ administrative assistant (SCC)
Non-librarian use of the classrooms may be scheduled in room 206 when not in use for ITV. This practice minimizes the number of non-library cancellations.
Library instruction is often scheduled on short notice. Because Library use of the classroom always has priority, non-library reservations may be cancelled with two (2) days notice to the instructor.